
Amplify your college campus prevention and response strategies.

uSafeUS® provides prevention and response tools for campus sexual assault and harassment, dating violence, and stalking. It connects students (and faculty) directly to your campus programming and prevention strategies.

Research- and trauma informed. Student and administrator approved.

Based on research conducted over a 15-year period at Prevention Innovations Research Center, uSafeUS incorporates the latest in prevention and response strategies, along with feedback from hundreds of college administrators, students, and professionals from crisis centers, healthcare, and law enforcement. uSafeUS is free to students. Use of the app is completely confidential, no personally identifiable information is captured.

Because it’s a smartphone app, resources and prevention tools are with students (and faculty) wherever they are.

uSafeUS for Students

Related Research

Potter SJ, Moschella EA, Demers J and Lynch M (2021). Shifting the prevention paradigm: Using mobile technology to provide sexual violence prevention and response. Journal of Technology in Human Services. 

Moschella, E. A., Potter, S. J., & Vivian, M. (2020). “It made me feel safe”: The impact of residence hall informational bulletin boards describing a prevention and response mobile application. Sexual Assault Report, 32(4), 49 & 59-62. Read the Report

Potter SJ, Moschella E, and D Smith (2020).  Exploring the Usage of a Violence Prevention and Response App among Community College Students. Health Education and Behavior47:44S-53S.

USafe US Flyer


The uSafeUS Administrator Dashboard lets you customize app content for your campus, communicate prevention messages to your students, monitor app use, and access guides and promotional communications to simplify your implementation. The uSafeUS® Mobile App is the modern solution for Clery, Title IX, OVW and NCAA compliance. Learn more at

Learn how uSafeUS can amplify your prevention and response efforts.

Contact Dr. Sharyn Potter ( or (603) 862-3630) to learn how uSafeUS can amplify prevention and response strategies on your campus.

©2024 University of New Hampshire Prevention Innovations Research Center. uSafeUS is a registered trademark of the University of New Hampshire.